Elven Nation Manifesto

On 6 February 1995, a document titled the “Elven Nation Manifesto” was posted to Usenet, including the groups alt.pagan and alt.magick. Enough people contacted the original author of the Elven Nation post in good faith for a planned mailing list to spin off from it. I raise this rallying cry for all fellow non-humans around … Read more

The Golden Age of Fairies

Between 1840 and 1870, historians have dubbed this period of time the “Golden Age of Fairies.” It is where former leading British Victorian Art Historian, Christopher Wood, begins his reference book with glimpses into what inspired a society to turn to the fantastic both with real-world examples and literary examples such as the societal fascination … Read more

Modern Times

Belief in fairies was still widespread in the early twentieth century, according to the testimony of W. Y. Evans-Wentz in The Fairy Faith in the Celtic Countries (London, 1911). An American-born believer in fairies, Evans-Wentz travelled all the Celtic countries on foot and collected material from all social classes, during which respondents spoke of their … Read more

An Historical Overview

of the Whereabouts of Gnomes and Elves, Fauns and Faeries, Goblins, Ogres, Trolls and Bogies, Nymphs, Sprites and Dryads, Past and Present BUCK YOUNG aka Mat Jacobsen wrote this article and it was originally published in Fireheart 6. A long, long time ago, the Earth belonged to the creatures of the wood. By creatures of … Read more

The departure of fairies

Patrick Logan writes of the opinions on fairies in our own century: Whatever took place, or was imagined, round about the year 1790, descriptions of it recorded as far apart as Nithsdale and Caithness are detailed, vivid and surprisingly alike. Invested with a curious atmosphere of mystery and regret, it is known as the Fairies’ … Read more

The Medieval Fairy

In the time of the Medieval Fairy, the size and appearance of the fairy became quite variable. They could be tiny and beautiful or huge and monstrous. Most commonly, however, the Medieval Fairy was depicted as a fair-skinned maiden with flowing red hair. Despite their sometime mischievous nature, the Medieval Faeries were enamored with humans, … Read more

The Tuatha De Danann

The Tuatha De Danann are the first people of Ireland. They were beings close to humanity, but not a part of it, with the ability to change their shape at will. While some of the Tuatha De Danann retreated far from humans to become the Daoine Sidhe, other remain on Earth and become the Fenian … Read more

The dismiss of fairies

From the XVIII century onward, the fairies have been said to have departured or to be in decline. People do not see them any more and some argue that the Faeries will eventually disappear as men have stopped believing in them. Other put forward pollution, urbanization, science as the main causes for their disparition. A … Read more